Editorial Process


Jurnal Teknik Transportasi (Journal of Transportation Engineering) is a scientific periodical publication of the Faculty of Transportation and Logistics Engineering, Trisakti Institute of Transportation and Logistics (Institut Transportasi dan Logistik Trisakti).

JTT focuses on the field of transportation engineering related to aerospace engineering with airport characteristics, marine engineering with port characteristics and environmental infrastructure engineering with railway characteristics.

JTT was published for the first time for Volume 1 No. 1 in April 2020, then the second issue of Vol 2 No. 2 in October 2020. But then it stopped publishing for 2 years and is now being published again with a new design and a new strategy and journal publishing policy while still using EISSN 2722-9599. This new issue begins in May 2023 as Vol 2 No. 1 and will be published next.

Please note that JTT old web address at the URL https://journal.itltrisakti.ac.id/index.php/jtt will no longer be used from Vol 2 onwards.