Author Guidelines
1) The article should be with in the scope of scientific journalism and written in Indonesian. But to serve international readers who do not speak Indonesian, abstract are also written in English.
2) The article should be original writing by the author and have never been published in Indonesian or other languages.
3) Authors must always uphold publication ethics at every step from the time the article is submitted to the Journal of Transportation Engineering until the article is published;
4) The author who submits the article to the editor of the Journal of Transportation Engineering is the corresponding author, who in this case may be the first author who also serves as the corresponding author, but may also not be the first author. If not the first author, permission must be obtained from the first author.
5) The author must be able to guarantee that the person concerned has full rights to publish the article. Authors must also use original data from their research and be accountable for it.
6) If the article is the result of student research from a skripsi, thesis or dissertation, or is part of it, so before submitting an article to Journal of Transportation Engineering, if the first author and corresponding author are not the student concerned, then the student must sign a stamped agreement with the author stating that they have no objection and the agreement is submitted to the editor of the Journal of Transportation Engineering.
7) The author who has submitted article is required to follow the entire process regulated by the editorial team of the Journal of Transportation Engineering, until the article is ready to be published, which usually takes quite a long time. When it is published, the first author and corresponding author must not suddenly be replaced with someone else's name or replaced in a way that violates publication ethics.
8) The article is sent in Ms. Word format with the following conditions:
a. A4 paper (21 cm x 21,7cm) with the page margin; Left (3 cm), top (2,5 cm), Right (2,5 cm), and bottom (2 cm).
b. The number of script pages between 12-20 pages.
c. The script is written one column with Times New Roman font, with a writing template that can be downloaded on this website.
d. The conjunctions (and, in, or with, as well, about, that, against, so, because, then, for the sake) and prepositions (in, to, from, in, to, within, by, through) are written in lowercase.
9) Articles are written with the following regulations.
a. Title (Times New Roman 16; capitalized each word and bold; 1 space), avoid abbreviation.
b. Author Name (Times New Roman 10 and bold; 1 space), consisting of the author's name which is written in full and may not be abbreviated, then given a superscript number, as well as acting as the author of the superscript correspondence in the form of an *.
c. Author Affiliation (Times New Roman 9 and bold; 1 space), consisting of the name of the institution / organization / workplace / country/ author’s place of study, complete with full address, city name, and country name.
d. Correspondence (Times New Roman 8; 1 space), consisting of the email address of correspondence author (only 1 person).
e. Abstract and Abstrak (Times New Roman 12; capital at first word and bold). The abstract consists of one short paragraph explaining the background and problem, research objectives, methodology, result and discussion, conclusions and recommendations. Use a maximum of 200 words. So that quotations are not included in the abstract. Article abstract is written in two languages (English and Indonesian). Abstract written in English is placed on top of the Indonesian. Do not use symbols, special characters, or math in abstract.
f. Keywords and Kata Kunci (Times New Roman 12 and bold) and their contents (Times New Roman 12 without bold), keywords are written in English and “kata kunci” written in Indonesian; with a number of 3-5 keywords and written in lowercase (unless indicated name). Keywords relevant to the research presented in the manuscript. For example: runway; passenger terminal; cost of sea transport; railways bridge; shipping; port; vessel size.
g. Introduction (Times New Roman 12 and bold) and its contents (Times New Roman 12; 1,5 spaces). Introduction consists of explanation on background and problem, literature review and research gab, theoretical bases, research objectives, methodology, result and discussion, conclusions and recommendations. Introduction should be concise, solid, scientific and attract readers to pay attention. Each bibliography in a paragraph must clearly state the source and must be included in the bibliography. Writing sentences and paragraphs must comply with the rules of writing good sentences and paragraphs.
h. Research Methods (Times New Roman 12 and bold) and its contents (Times New Roman 12; 1,5 spaces). Describes the methods used in the research, including: time and location of the study; the variables studied; data collection technique; sampling technique; data analysis method used; as well as other important information to be presented.
i. Results and Discussion (Times New Roman 12 and bold) and its contents (Times New Roman 12; 1,5 spaces). Research results must be presented clearly and answer the problem formulation and also the research objectives. Discussion should explore the significance of the results of the author's research. The discussion is carried out descriptively and narratively, avoiding excessive tables, figures and graphs. The results and discussion can be divided into several sub-sections, each with a brief subtitle.
• If there is a table should be written with a font size of 10pt. The title of the table is placed above the table in one line without including a full stop after the word table (writing the table from the far left border). The only lines allowed for tables are horizontal lines. Where to write the number of tables and their narrative in paragraphs, try to be as close as possible to the tables.
• If there is image should be written with a font size of 10pt and placed in the middle of the column or placed in full of column when the image is big. The title of the image (photo, floor plan, chart, map, schematic, graph, etc.) is placed at the bottom of the image in one line without placing a full stop after the word image. When the image is placed in full column so the title put from the far left border. When the image is placed in the middle of the column, the title is placed in the centre. Except for images that are positioned as attachments, the image title is placed at the top of the image. Where to write the number of pictures and their narrative in paragraphs, try to be as close as possible to the pictures.
• Mathematical formulas are written with a font size of 10pt. Mathematical equations (mathematical formulas) must be written clearly, sequentially, and related to the information needed. Formulas must also be separated from sentences.
j. Conclusion (Times New Roman 12 and bold) and its contents (Times New Roman 12; 1,5 spaces). The narrative in the conclusion section must be narrated briefly, clearly, and related to the results of the research, and written in paragraph form (not numbered). Conclusion also explains the novelty (novelty) research findings and implications.
k. References (Times New Roman 12 and bold) and reading sources (Times New Roman 12; 1 spaces). Bibliography or is a list of references used in the body of writing, arranged alphabetically by author's name. All reference sources written in the body of the paper must be written in the bibliography. Between the sources of references written in the body of the paper, they must be the same as those written in the bibliography, meaning that it does not need to be written in the bibliography if they are not referred to in the body of the paper. The reference sources and bibliography are written according to the name-year system according to the APA style reference writing (American Psychological Association Style). Reference must use software Mendeley reference management. References in the form of books (textbooks) have been published for up to the last 10 years, while journals/dissertations/thesis have been published for a maximum of the last 5 years. Bibliography of at least 15 references, with a journal/dissertations/thesis dominance of 70%, which means a minimum of 10 journals/dissertations/thesis and a minimum of 5 books (textbooks).
10) Conditions of writing style above have been imposed in the template of Jurnal Teknik Transportasi.