Operational Analysis of Dispatch and Demurrage Implementation for Coal Distribution in Indonesia

Analisis Aspek Operasional pada Implementasi Dispatch dan Demurrage untuk Distribusi Batu Bara di Indonesia


  • Silvia Dewi Kumalasari ITL Trisakti
  • Maria Angelin Naiborhu
  • Yolla Ayutia
  • Taufik MR




Coal Distribution, Dispatch, Demurrage


Indonesian coal distribution relies on sea transportation, specifically bulk carrier ships and barges. The mode's operation is based on the ship owner's charter system. To strengthen the control of Indonesia's coal distribution and supply chain, an operational of the implementation of ship charter contracts with the Dispatch and Demurrage System (Desdem) is required. The goal of this research is to examine the operational impact of implementing contracts with the Desdem System, in order to determine the impact on coal supply and supply chain management. Ship service duration is calculated using linear programming optimization, extreme environmental circumstances are simulated, and sensitivity analysis is performed. The findings show that the availability of cargo, tools, mooring, and transhipment has an impact on demurrage, which accounts for 39-42% of laytime. Meanwhile, in the tidal scenario, rain and waves, known as demurrage, account for 125-132% of the laytime. A productivity increase of 250 tons/hour reduces demurrage by up to 41%, while a service speed increase of 1 knot reduces demurrage by up to 28%.


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How to Cite

Dewi Kumalasari, S., Naiborhu , M. A., Ayutia, Y., & MR, T. (2024). Operational Analysis of Dispatch and Demurrage Implementation for Coal Distribution in Indonesia: Analisis Aspek Operasional pada Implementasi Dispatch dan Demurrage untuk Distribusi Batu Bara di Indonesia. Jurnal Teknik Transportasi, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.54324/jtt.v3i2.63


